
The Office of 金融援助 is responsible for administering all financial assistance programs, 包括文件和数据的收集, 资格的决心, 以及奖励的发放. 办公室奖励机构, 联邦和州政府以奖学金的形式向茱莉亚学院的学生提供援助, 贷款和/或校内工作(勤工俭学). 其他服务包括帮助寻找外部奖学金, 以及个人和团体预算和债务管理咨询.


esball世博 is committed to educating talented performing artists and helping them achieve their highest potential. 为此目的, 我们希望所有被录取的学生都能上学, 不管他们的支付能力如何. esball世博的招生政策是不考虑需求的, meaning that applying for financial aid will not hurt an applicant's chances of being admitted. In fact, approximately 90 percent of our students receive scholarship support through Juilliard.

一个完整的web表单列表, pdf文档, 宣传册, 和其他文件可以在我的esball世博的财务援助空间找到. (进入my茱莉亚需要茱莉亚的登录名和密码.)

For more information regarding financial aid programs, please download our booklet, 资助你的茱莉亚教育的资源:财政援助指南.


杜尔塞米. Capellan,高级财务援助顾问
马修Chao-Day,金融援助技术部副主任 & Data






(212) 799-5000,分机. 212


经济资助可能包括esball世博 奖学金, 联邦和州拨款, 联邦学生和家长贷款和/或 联邦或茱莉亚学院的勤工俭学. 请注意,除了少数例外, Juilliard scholarship awards are based on a combination of financial need and merit. 例外情况有:

  • 艺术家文凭课程(任何专业)
  • 音乐艺术博士课程(任何专业)
  • 历史表演节目
  • 科夫纳奖学金计划**
  • 表演专业美术硕士

Applicants to all other programs 必须 complete all application items to be considered for scholarship support.

只寻求联邦学生援助的学生只需要提交FAFSA, 虽然提交后可能需要额外的文件. esball世博 does not discriminate against applicants on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 性别, 年龄, 性取向, 政治信仰, 国家的起源, 或残疾.

Juilliard reserves the right to adjust financial aid pack年龄s based on new information, 学生收到的额外资金, 政府法规的变化, 或者纠正错误.

**而科夫纳奖学金计划提供择优资助, only a small number of students will be selected; all applicants wishing to be considered for 奖学金 are strongly encour年龄d to apply through the financial aid process as described below.



申请经济援助和奖学金的截止日期是 3月1日. 申请人可以通过他们的网站查看他们的个人要求 应用门户. 对于大多数申请人,这将包括以下项目:

研究生须知: We will waive the parent tax requirement only if you can prove that you were self‐supporting in the year prior to enrollment. 文件可能包括你最近的纳税申报表, 或奖学金的证明文件, 贷款或赞助商支持. Scholarship decisions are based on a combination of financial need and merit combined. The financial strength of your family is an important consideration whether or not they will provide direct support to you during your graduate studies.



所有在读学生 必须 reapply for financial aid every year to receive Juilliard 奖学金, grants, and loans. 为此,请提交以下项目 5月1日:

  • U.S. 公民和永久居民:填写 FAFSA.
    • Note to FAFSA filers: The 2024-25 FAFSA will be available in December 2023 with significant changes. 要了解更多关于FAFSA简化法案的信息,请访问studentaid.政府.
  • 国际学生:填写 国际学生经济援助申请.


金融援助 Offer letters will be processed for students with complete files in June. 学生将收到一封电子邮件,当提供在他们的 节奏财政援助门户网站 在mess年龄s选项卡下. (需要茱莉亚学院的登录名和密码.)可应要求提供录取通知书的硬拷贝.

Please review your offer letter carefully and comply with any follow up items needed as soon as possible. Detailed information regarding financial aid programs and policies can be found in the brochure 资助你的茱莉亚教育的资源:财政援助指南.

Scholarship amounts generally stay the same for each year you are enrolled in your program of study, 尽管学费每年将以2% -4%的速度增长. 联邦资助可能会根据你的实际需要和年级水平而变化. If you have questions or concerns regarding your financial aid, please contact our office.



  • 检查财政援助要求的状态
  • 查看经济援助录取通知书
  • 接受联邦学生贷款
  • Check account statements to ensure all aid has been credited (except 勤工助学)
  • 提供给家长或其他人查看财务数据的权限



If you are a current or former Juilliard college student applying to a new program, you are generally considered a “new” applicant because you will need to reapply and reaudition. Your application and audition will be evaluated along with the other applicants to esball世博, 你会收到录取决定的通知 4月1日.

Because your financial aid application will be considered along with the other applicants to the Juilliard School, 申请截止日期是 3月1日.


  • U.S. 公民和永久居民:完成 FAFSA.
    • Note to FAFSA filers: The 2024-25 FAFSA will be available in December 2023 with significant changes. 要了解更多关于FAFSA简化法案的信息,请访问studentaid.政府.
  • 国际学生:填写 国际学生经济援助申请.

Graduate applicants are usually required to submit student and parent tax returns. 然而, we will waive that requirement for current Juilliard college students because we have prior year financial data on file. Please remember that you are always welcome to provide us with whatever additional information you feel would be helpful in demonstrating your financial need.

Keep in mind that your financial aid eligibility will change at the graduate level:

  • 联邦和州拨款, 比如佩尔, FSEOG, and TAP are for undergraduates only; you will no longer be eligible at the graduate level.
  • 研究生没有资格获得联邦补贴贷款.
  • Your parent can no longer apply for a Parent PLUS loan on your behalf; however, 你可能有资格以你自己的名义申请研究生PLUS贷款.

最后,也是最重要的,关于你现在的茱莉亚奖学金: the amount you are receiving this year is for your current program of study only. 当你重新试镜一个新节目的时候, 你的奖学金决定将与当年的其他申请人一起进行评估, 和你的录取状态一样. Any new scholarship offer may represent an increase or a decrease from prior years, depending on your financial need and merit compared to the rest of the admitted class, 以及资金的可用性.


加速BM /毫米虽然你必须申请并试镜这个项目, 如果被录取,你基本上被认为是一个继续学习的学生. 你重新申请经济资助的截止日期是5月1日, and you can expect the same amount of scholarship as you are currently receiving through your graduation from the Master’s program.

在项目的第五年,你被认为是研究生. FAFSA申请人将不再需要提供父母的数据或签名. Your eligibility for federal and state student aid will be the same as for other graduate students; you will no longer be eligible for federal or state grants.

艺术家文凭 in Performance, MM or GD in 历史性能 or MFA in 代理: These programs offer full-tuition 奖学金 to all admitted students; no forms are required. 然而,你.S. 公民和永久居民可以 complete a FAFSA to obtain federal student loans for additional educational fees and living expenses.

艺术家文凭,爵士乐,戏剧创作或弦乐四重奏研究: These programs do not charge tuition; no forms are required. 然而,你.S. 公民和永久居民可以 complete a FAFSA to obtain federal student loans for additional educational fees and living expenses.

艺术家文凭在歌剧研究和所有DMA程序这些项目为所有被录取的学生提供全额奖学金, 还有生活津贴. 每年的津贴数额各不相同,并将在前一个春季公布. 不需要填写表格. 然而,你.S. 公民和永久居民可以 complete a FAFSA to obtain federal student loans for additional educational and living expenses.

We encour年龄 all students considering a new program of study to contact us with any questions or concerns.